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UCA National Child Safe Training has now been released. It will soon be available for everyone across the life of the Church. Please contact your Synod Safe Church or Culture of Safety team, for details on accessing the training through your local LMS or online system.

The training has been created to support everyone across the Church in understanding what being a safe Church means, and what is expected from each of us in living this commitment to safety.

It shows us how to enact our Principles of a Child Safe UCA, creating safe spaces in our Church, physically and online for children and young people.

Synods are rolling out training in the best way for their members and operations. They will communicate how to access the training.

Module 1 of the training is for everyone across the life of the Church, especially people working with children and young people. It will be a requirement for some roles, such as ministry agents and church council members.

This Module aims to deepen understanding of our Christian role in keeping children and young people safe.

Training can be accessed online on a mobile phone, laptop or desktop computer or in group sessions.

If you are a congregational leader, once training is available in your Synod, please share news of the training with your congregation and encourage members to participate.

Resources to help

Contact your Synod Safe Church Unit or Committee or the National Safe Church Unit.

The Principles are the foundations of our nationally consistent approach to education and training across child safety.

They were developed by the National Education and Training Project Stakeholder Group, in consultation with other advisory and governance groups representing Synods.

National Education and Training Principles