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UCA Commitment

“At the heart of being a community of good news and a loving presence in our neighbourhoods is a commitment to be safe communities for all.  This means we will build cultures of safety by listening to and believing children, having appropriate people in leadership and valuing all people as made in the image of God.”

Rev Sharon Hollis, President

As a community of faith, we are committed to providing safe environments for all people including children and young people, so that they may live life in all its fullness.

The Uniting Church in Australia believes all people are made in the image of God.

As a Christian community, we believe God reaches out to us in love and acceptance, and that our relationships with each other should express love, care and respect.

Children and young people are gifts of God to be received, welcomed and to be cared for responsibly and justly.

Our values

Our Uniting Church’s values which apply to the care and protection of children include:


We will deal with children compassionately and with an understanding of their vulnerabilities.


We respect the boundaries of professional relationships and respect the rights of every person to feel safe while in contact with our services.


We will seek justice for those who have been harmed.

Working together

We will work together to create a culture of individual and collective responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of children and to create friendly, welcoming spaces for children.

Leading through learning

We will be leaders by ensuring our governance embeds a culture of safety and undertaking a continuous improvement approach to the safety of children and to offering child friendly service.